Why Design Is So Important In Art?
We consider that it’s the design that makes some art pieces attractive and unforgettable. Of course, colors and values are also important, but good design is the key. So today we share some suggestions on how to create a composition.
Everything starts with a sketch
Creating a sketch helps to make the right decision about design and composition. That’s how you will see the overall light, middle and dark patterns and simplify composition into a few shapes and values.
Use the eraser
Simple and, perhaps, even silly advice, but it’s important to be ready to change your mind. So until the image will be filtered through your sense of aesthetics, use the eraser.
Don’t make a large sketch
All you need to catch the main details is a small sketch, don’t waste your time on an elaborate rendering. A quick guideline is all that is necessary to keep you on track. Keep it simple!
Composing The Composition
Consider the basic guidelines to strengthen your design and composition. Which one of your values is the main? Try to avoid having equal amounts of each value in your composition.
Use The Focal Point
The focal point is the primary area of interest in the painting. Decide where you want the viewer’s eye to land. Your focal point should be supported by your design and the value patterns that lead up to it. The eye will automatically be attracted to the area of the painting where the lightest and darkest values are in closest proximity to each other. If the values are scattered and don’t offer any type of path toward the focal point, the viewer won’t know where to engage with the painting.
Don’t place all subjects in the middle of the canvas
Cropping some elements slightly off the picture area is much more interesting and creates more variety in the negative space. Try cropping your sketch so that the space around your subject has interesting and unequal-sized shapes. Decide in your sketch how to crop your subject to see where it should be positioned on the canvas.
Use The Rule of Thirds
An image is most pleasing when the subject or focal point is placed along an intersection of imaginary lines that divide the image into vertically and horizontally thirds. Try to avoid splitting the composition of your painting in half. It is more interesting to place your horizon line either high or low on the canvas. Your focal point is best positioned in the middle of the canvas.
Avoid the flat composition effect
Our eye loves variety. So when subjects are placed evenly apart with no overlapping, the resulting composition can be boring. Try to overlap some elements to create a more dynamic sense of space and better relationships between the elements of your painting.
You can learn more about compositions in an informative online course «Basics of perspective drawing» by Syahmi Daud. You get access for 3 months. Join the course to improve your perspective drawing and learn how to create realistic objects from any angle. Click here: https://en.artlife-fest.com/en/perspektiva